Table of Content
Chapter 1: The iOS Ecosystem
- The App Life Cycle
- The View Life Cycle
- View Controller Programming Guide
- UINavigation and Tab Bar Structure
- Framework and Access Control
Chapter 2: Pass Data Design Patterns
- Delegate and DataSource
- Storyboard Segue
- NSNotification
- Closures and Callbacks
- UserDefaults
- UIApplication and Singletons
Chapter 3: Auto Layout and No Storyboard
- Protocol and Enum Oriented Storyboard
- Auto Layout Tutorials
- UIStackView
- Autoresizing
- Content Hugging
- No More Storyboard
- No More Storyboard (Part 2)
Chapter 4: UIKit Components
- Coding Principles 101
- UITextField and Delegate
- UIScrollView
- Page View Controller
- Protocol Oriented UITableView
- UIAlertViewController
Chapter 5: UITableView
Chapter 6: UICollectionView
- Reusable TableViewCell
- Protocol Oriented UICollectionView
- Grouping UIViews and Color
Chapter 7: iOS Skills
- Parse JSON
- Protocol Oriented Animation
- Grand Dispatch Central and Background
- Networking with APIs
- Intro to Framework Management
, Hero
, SwiftyJSON
, Then
, SnapKit
Chapter 8: Cloud Computing and Database
- Intro to Realm
- Local Server with Mac
- Intro to Cloud Computing
- Cloud Server with Digital Ocean
Chapter 9: Build Apps
- Intro to the App
- Brainstorming and Sketch
- Required Design Patterns
Chapter 10: Bonus Lectures